Window Switcheroo

Window Switcheroo

As mentioned previously, our house still had it’s original, charming windows that we really liked and were thrilled that we’d be able to keep (well, keep all but 3). One window in particular made me slightly weak in the knees and sadly we were going 

Adding #3

Adding #3

No, no, no, not having a third baby, just adding a third bedroom! I should actually say something more like, reinstating the third bedroom. The house was originally built with three bedrooms and the previous owners chose to remove the wall that separated the master bedroom 

Range Debacle Follow-Up

Range Debacle Follow-Up

Yes, it took until this week to finally resolve the issue we had with our new range. Back in this post I wrote about how excited we were about the industrial style range we had selected. I was fortunate enough to marry someone who loves