Frame It!

Frame It!

I know, I know, where have I been? Over two weeks since my last post is just inexcusable! Well, let’s just say we’ve had a lot going on (mostly with the house) and therefore haven’t had a whole lot of time to write. Actually, that’s 

Range Debacle Follow-Up

Range Debacle Follow-Up

Yes, it took until this week to finally resolve the issue we had with our new range. Back in this post I wrote about how excited we were about the industrial style range we had selected. I was fortunate enough to marry someone who loves 

Countertop Time!

Countertop Time!

Last Saturday was the much anticipated countertop installation day. I happen to be out of town but Pavlo was there to watch, ooh and ahh, for the both of us. I’ve said before that the installation of the countertop is my favorite part of a