Light of a Lantern

Light of a Lantern

Unfortunately we didn’t get to spend all of last weekend kicking back by the Virginia Beach shore with my family. We returned home late Saturday night so that we could wake up early and hopefully get at least one thing accomplished on the house. In 

New Glidin’ Slidin’ Glass Door

New Glidin’ Slidin’ Glass Door

I just have to start this post out by saying that only my dear, sweet, loving husband, Pavlo, would be as excited about a new sliding glass door as a kid on Christmas morning. No seriously, we drove out to the house the day after 

A Dent in the Plans

A Dent in the Plans

I mentioned at the end of the last post how we could really use fewer surprises when it comes to this kitchen. Just like with any renovation, we’ve definitely had our fair share of hiccups and most have been resolved so easily that they really