We’re currently working on the trim in the kitchen so the next post should be updating you on that. Until then I’m going to jump ahead to what our next project will be, the mudroom. When house hunting for this second home a mudroom sat …
I think I ended the last post saying that we’d be working on the kitchen’s trim next. Well, we didn’t, we actually ended up putting all the pulls and knobs on the cabinetry first. Our plan really was to do trim but then it just …
Well, somehow, despite measuring multiple times, we under-ordered the number of white, glass subway tiles we would need for our backsplash. How it happened? Who knows! We needed only four measly tiles in order to finish! I would love to say we made too many mistakes when cutting, but that would be a lie. We actually only wasted two tiles. It’s just strange because usually we measure so that we have leftover tiles. You know, that “safety net” of tiles…just in case. Oh well, all we can think is that measurements were off or I just simply typed in the wrong square footage when I placed my order online. At any rate, for a night the third wall sat like this:
Soooo close.
Fortunately Lowes had some in stock so on Wednesday we drove out and bought a few more so we could wrap up this project once and for all.
Not only were the last tiles set in place on Wednesday but the other two walls of the backsplash were grouted using non-sanded grout. We chose non-sanded because of the smaller grout lines as well as because it tends to give a smoother finish which we felt would probably be better with such smooth and shiny tiles.
Range wall grouted.Another angle of the grouted range wall.Close-up of accent tiles.sink wall groutedGrouted kitchen.
Then, last night, the last wall was grouted.
Final wall grouted!
Finally we can start to work on the kitchen’s trim.