Laundry Room (a.k.a The Dungeon) Take 2

Laundry Room (a.k.a The Dungeon) Take 2

So, you might remember how back in May Pavlo and I began cleaning up our dungeon of a laundry room (more on that here and here)? We had cleaned it out, painted cabinets, picked out a new counter for folding (which had yet to be 

Mission Laundry Room: Phase 2…well, 1.5

Mission Laundry Room: Phase 2…well, 1.5

Ahh, I’m a failure as a blogger! I can’t believe I let 10 whole days go by without a single post! If it makes you feel any better I haven’t been a complete lazy bum and in actuality, all of the time and energy taken 

Finishing Touches: Videos of the Completed Basement

Finishing Touches: Videos of the Completed Basement

I’m sure from the last 3 posts that most of you have a pretty good idea of what the whole basement looks like completed. However, I’ve come to realize that although before and after pictures are wonderful they can make it challenging to completely understand