The Final Four

The Final Four

When I last spoke about our countertop selections I mentioned how we had narrowed it down to two different granites and two different styles of quartz. After getting it down to this point we basically needed to decide between granite (the ever-popular, natural stone) and 

A Dent in the Plans

A Dent in the Plans

I mentioned at the end of the last post how we could really use fewer surprises when it comes to this kitchen. Just like with any renovation, we’ve definitely had our fair share of hiccups and most have been resolved so easily that they really 

…And The Kitchen Sink

…And The Kitchen Sink

The kitchen sink was installed on Thursday and it looks perfect! As I mentioned in the last post Pavlo was installing it prior to granite and this hints at what type of a sink I selected. Any guesses? Well, with the traditional, shaker-styled cabinets in