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New Glidin’ Slidin’ Glass Door

New Glidin’ Slidin’ Glass Door

I just have to start this post out by saying that only my dear, sweet, loving husband, Pavlo, would be as excited about a new sliding glass door as a kid on Christmas morning. No seriously, we drove out to the house the day after 

Bragging Rights

Bragging Rights

It’s hard for me to believe but my baby boy Landon started preschool this year. Don’t let the first photo fool you, he had a great first day but then proceeded to have meltdowns every day after until last week. Yup, the start of September 



Back in this post I vented (no pun intended) about a few road blocks Pavlo and I had confronted during this kitchen renovation. Not only was the wrong range delivered to us (which has yet to be resolved), but after installing the gorgeous 18″ hood and then removing the remainder of it’s padding and protection, we discovered it was dented. From the looks of things it was probably dropped but since we didn’t notice it until after installation, there was little we could do other then try to fix it.

Dent in the new 18″ hood. Boo!

Ironically we had left as much of the protection on it as was possible so that during installation we wouldn’t accidentally damage it ourselves!

Before attempting to fix the dent ourselves we decided to consult someone who works daily with sheet metal – Brian, our HVAC installer. He already had a meeting set up with Pavlo to run through a few aspects of our new HVAC system so while he was at the house Pavlo asked him to take a look at the hood. We were hoping he could give us a safe (aka, low risk) and effective way of fixing the dent but he actually did one better, he fixed it for us!

Dent be gone!

It still needs a good cleaning, but it looks a great deal better!

Now back to finding a solution to our range situation.