Remember Me?

Looking through some old post it dawned on me that you all must think Pavlo and I have “project ADD.” We started several projects, even blogged about some of them, then had baby#2 and it looks as though those projects just fell off the face of the earth. Well, they haven’t! Some of them definitely got delayed and have yet to be completed, like the laundry room. But some of them got delayed and have finally been finished, like the rocking chair we found on craigslist that I mentioned in this post.

Ring any bells? Yup, it only cost $40 and we were super excited to give it a face lift. Well, really Pavlo was excited and since: a) it was his find and b) I had no idea how to even approach this reupholstering job, I let him have at it…with a fabric of my choice of course!
I selected new fabric that could be easily coordinated with any decor. For the time being it’s in Landon’s room but I’m pretty sure someday that will change!
In addition to new fabric I also purchased new cushioning, burlap (which goes on over the cushioning and below the new fabric) and tack strips. Here’s what the rocking chair looks like now: