A Room for a Boy-Final Details

Another boy room is done and although I’m excited and love seeing it completed, I’m also bummed because I truly love designing my childrens’ rooms! I love the idea that their are virtually no limits or rules to color, pattern, texture you name it! I love being able to incorporate their latest obsessions and changing personalities not to mention seeing their expressions when they see their finished space. Most of the time we don’t let them know all of the little details so they really are surprised when they see the final product, and those looks of surprise and awe are so rewarding!
In the last post I mentioned how we were in the finishing touches of our son’s room, well now it’s done! As a reminder, here’s the mood board I created when designing his room.
The completed shelves were also shown in the previous post, shelves that were custom built by a steel worker from a design I sketched up (with a crayon). The shelves were stained in a couple of evenings by Pavlo and myself. Yep, expert stainer here. Stain on, stain off. Followed by wax on, wax off. They turned out sharp! They’re definitely the dominating feature of this room.
As I stare at the above picture I actually can’t help but think maybe his room isn’t done and that he desperately needs a hat rack for the ever growing collection. We just got him another one too, a Montreal Expo’s hat! Why the Expos? Well, they got moved to DC and are now our team, the Nationals. Seemed fitting. Anyways, The walls of the room are painted a really light Heron Plume while we went darker with the trim, Versatile Grey. Both are Sherwin Williams colors and with the dark wood and nearly black steel, the lighter color on the wall balances out the space nicely.
The baskets are from Target and the chair, well that’s from my good friend Amazon Prime. Using a clear acrylic chair helps make the space appear less crowded and it’s an added bonus that this chair is actually really comfy. I seriously contemplated using it for our office…that we haven’t finished yet.
Now for the other side of the room.
Pretty simple on this side given the attention-grabbing shelves on the other. However this picture, and the one below, show the little details that bring it all together. The stitched-border curtains (Pottery Barn Kids), the artwork (the crab is by Landon himself), and the hooks specifically for his quidditch broom and robes, bring it all together. I really try to find the happy balance between a perfectly put together bedroom and one that caters to the needs and interest of that particular child. I mean, if he insists on having his Harry Potter robes and brooms out, they might as well be organized!
Great running into you Sunday on my way home from church, Landon’s room is fitting for such a cutie pie, Love the paint colors, the H.P. broom and robe are a great touch!