Bragging Rights

Bragging Rights

It’s hard for me to believe but my baby boy Landon started preschool this year.

Landon’s 1st day of school! There were all smiles at first!
Landon looking for an escape route.

Don’t let the first photo fool you, he had a great first day but then proceeded to have meltdowns every day after until last week. Yup, the start of September was emotionally draining for the two of us. I would just leave my tantrum-throwing child in the arms of complete strangers hoping and praying he would calm down, start interacting and make new friends. The second day of school was particularly rough. In fact, he cried so hard that he fell asleep. No, they don’t have nap time, he just told the teacher he would rest then proceeded to fall asleep. Figures that the same child who battles nap time for me would sleep through a morning at preschool! Yup, it’s definitely a story for his memory book!

Landon has (finally) come around to realize that I will return to pick him up EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I’m pretty sure past threats about him maybe needing a “new mommy” because he said he didn’t like me, caused more damage than I could have ever imagined. Ooops! (Oh come on, like I’m the only mother in the world that has said that to their child?)

Anyways, on to the part where I brag about my kid. Telling you he fell asleep in school because he was so sad isn’t exactly why I titled the post “Bragging Rights.” (Though I have to admit that the more times I repeat it the funnier it gets.) I actually titled it that because I think all the shopping for the kitchen has actually impacted Landon’s color choices because his first school painting was, well, all grey!

I already felt like his little painting was a keeper merely because it was his first school art ever, but now that it was done perfectly to match our new kitchen’s color scheme, it might be more than a keeper. It might be a framer! 🙂  Ahh, my little Monet. I’m so proud!

Just in case you needed a reminder of what our grey and white kitchen looks like so far:

Our “in progress” grey and white kitchen. Grey walls, white upper cabinets & dark grey base cabinets.

*Breaking news, I was speaking with Landon about his masterpiece and the artist has informed me that it’s not grey it’s actually silver like his favorite Thomas and Friends train, Spencer. Still doesn’t change that it goes so well with the “in progress” kitchen!

6 thoughts on “Bragging Rights”

  • He is going to rule the world! He knows what he likes!! Love him!! and what an eye for color and style… his picture isn’t gray, it’s Stainless Steel!

    I’m one of his favorite fans! and love reading about the house….Catherine

  • Brian’s first week of first grade went really well. Then he refused to go, hung onto me for dear life, and sobbed. I actually got on the school bus one day with him, so he would go to school! LOL. Never knew why he didn’t want to go. He loved his teacher.

    • Yup, Landon is kind of the same way. He cries as soon as goodbye comes but apparently calms down within seconds of my leaving. Despite any day-to-day chaos he and I might have, I guess he really does love me! 🙂

  • Steph, I have really, really enjoyed all your progress posts, but this is my absolute favorite! Thank you so much for this most delightful post! 🙂

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