Well, If I Have to do Laundry…

…I’d really rather not do it here:

That is a picture of our basement (or, cellar, as they were called back in 1936 when the house was built) where the original washing machine and dryer hookups are located. Would YOU want to do laundry down there? No, I didn’t think so, and that’s exactly why Pavlo and I came up with a plan to move the washer and dryer upstairs. This was not only what we (yes, we – Pavlo washes the clothes and I fold) wanted but we also knew it would raise the value of the house so it would be time and money well spent.
The house originally had this linen closet upstairs directly next to the middle bathroom we’ve been working on (see here and here).

I know that you’re thinking we’re crazy if we eliminate the linen closet, but hear us out. We have another spot to put a new linen closet (we haven’t even begun to tackle that project so I’ll come back to it in a future post) and this original linen closet is a few inches wider then the spot for our future one so we decided to use it for a new stackable washer and dryer which really needed those few extra inches!
The new washer/dryer closet is not finished yet (almost though) but in addition to being wired, plumbed and given the proper duct work for the new machines, new drywall has been hung and it’s ready to be finished out (ya know, tape it, block it and skim it). Hopefully today, if not early next week, that will get done.

Admittedly, we had to make a couple of sacrifices in order to have the washer and dryer on one of our main levels. Of course, since our whole reason for renovating this house is to turn it into a functional (and hopefully more valuable) home, neither of the sacrifices were really that horrible. The first is the “loss” of the linen closet; however, it will soon be replaced with a new one anyways. The second is that we lost about 2 feet of the second bedroom’s closet (Landon’s future room). Which, I’m sorry to say I don’t have pictures of because that bedroom is currently packed with supplies, mostly for the bathroom renovation. I seriously could not maneuver my way around all the stuff (lots of tile, vanity, washer & dryer, tools, ect.) It is definitely smaller but no worries, two of the bedroom closets in our last house were even smaller but with closet organizers everything fit perfectly. I’m confident the same thing will happen with this closet, it just needs an organizer!
So there you have it, the beginnings of our laundry closet. Thank goodness because I was not looking forward to cleaning and folding in a cellar!
that’s a good move to put it upstairs! that basement would be scary at night!