An “Authentic” Footstool

An “Authentic” Footstool

While we’re in the process of renovating that bathroom that’s going to be the kid’s bathroom, I thought I’d update you on a little purchase I made for the kiddos and their bathroom. That purchase was a simple little footstool that has made a big difference in our daily life!

I don’t know why I didn’t make the investment in a footstool earlier. Parenting lesson number…well, really I stopped counting about 3 years ago, but let’s just say lesson learned! After potty training Landon a year ago it became INCREDIBLY frustrating having to lift him up to reach the sink and scrub his hands every.single.time he went to the bathroom. We desperately needed a little footstool for him to wash his hands independently.

Thankfully purchasing one was checked off our super long “to-do” list over Thanksgiving. While we were visiting family in Pennsylvania we spent a little bit of time hitting up antique stores. I really have no business buying decor or furniture for a house that’s not finished yet, but it’s always fun to look and you just never know when something amazing is going to turn up!

At one of these antique stores I came across this adorable little footstool that was just $8. Yup, $8! I immediately claimed it and Colette would frequently make me put it down in the store so she could sit on it. I guess antique shopping is tiring for an 18 month old.

Our little red footstool

Anyways, this footstool was a steal and became even more valuable to me when I showed Landon what it was for. Oh how I wish I had a camera at that very moment! The words that came out of his mouth completely caught me off guard (which happens a lot these days but that doesn’t make it any less humorous). I really thought he was going to be in awe at how he was now at the perfect height to wash his hands. Nooooope, instead he looked straight ahead and said, “Great, I can see myself in the mirror!” And he grinned from ear to ear…at himself in the mirror of course. I guess he finds himself just as adorable as his mother does!

Anyways, even though the stool was sweet in the fire engine red color, I wanted to personalize it for the kids. It got a good sanding:

Then it was primed (I forgot to get a picture of it primed…oops) and painted in a chocolate brown color.

Then, with white acrylic paint we had both the kids put their footprints on it:

They aren’t perfect but as Pavlo put it, “They’re authentic”, so I left them as is and moved on. I still need to add the kid’s names and the date we did the prints on (just so happen to be 12-12-12) and then after that I’ll add polyurethane.

I have to say that even prior to the paint job the footstool was well worth the investment. It became a big part of our Christmas tree decorating!

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