Give me an “L”

We were lucky enough to have my aunt offer us a twin bed for our growing boy (family is so wonderful), so while Pavlo spends time working on the bed so that it coordinates with the rest of the furniture, I’ll be working on other decorative additions to the room. You know, those little, personal touches I mentioned adding to Landon’s room in my last post? We already had a few keepsakes in his room that act as something much more than just decoration. It’s decoration with sentimental meaning and value. For example, the first pair of shoes Landon walked in:
I really love the idea of incorporating elements that act as memorabilia, reflecting back on the baby our little boy once was, or elements that inject some of Landon’s ever developing personality. One way I would like to do this is by adding several items to the photo collage that hangs above his crib, items that define our Landon.
The first of these is a little DIY or craft project I managed to do alone with both Landon and little 4 month old Colette awake. Yes, it was risky and yes, I had to do it all twice because Landon touched the first one when told not to, but we got it done!
Anyways, awhile back I was looking around and saw a very cool letter that was stenciled on burlap and then framed. Doing something with the child’s initials or even the first letter of their name ( in this case the letter “L”) definitely personalizes a room and I thought this was a really unique way of doing it.
I bought some alphabet stencils at our local craft store, grabbed some burlap that we had from an upholstery project (which I’ll post on soon), black paint, and a sponge brush.

Other then making sure the letter was straight on the burlap there was really nothing more to it then stenciling the letter. Oh yeah, burlap does have the tendency to bleed so I found it better to apply the paint thinly and then just go back over areas that seemed bare. Here’s the letter “L” stenciled on:
and here’s the final product framed:
I think it looks pretty cool! Now to finish up another project for Landon’s wall collage. Hopefully it will be just as easy as this “L” and I’ll be posting on it soon!