More Favorite Things

More Favorite Things

Yup, it’s that time again! Time to tell you about a few more of our favorite things. We’re hoping these posts not only help answer any questions you may have about things seen in our house, but that they also give a little recognition to the places and things we have come to find so necessary during this renovation.

1.) Homegoods/TJMaxx:

I’m pretty confident that the majority of homeowners who have the slightest interest in sprucing up their house LOVE this store as much as we do. Not only are their prices generally amazing but their selection of items is too. I will admit that there are some trips to Homegoods or TJMaxx when I leave empty handed…it’s rare, but it happens! Fortunately there are about 4 of them within a 15 minute drive of my house so by the end of the afternoon I have at least one item checked off my shopping list. A few of the things we’ve snatched up there are:

-The picture above the basement couch @ only $80! Yes, ONLY $80. It’s a huge piece of art and everything else we were looking at (including another one at Homegoods I actually liked better) cost at least $140. Which, I might add, is still a pretty darn good price.

$80 art work from Homegoods

-Mirrors for our master bathroom, 2 @ only $14.99 a piece. Even Pavlo, who built the other two bathrooms’ mirrors, knew we couldn’t pass this deal up. In fact, I’m pretty sure he was the one going through the stacks of mirrors, isle after isle, looking for the second mirror! If there is one thing I have learned while decorating this house it’s that wall art (including mirrors) can be really really pricey. Homegoods has GREAT mirrors with solid wood frames and beveled edges. You just need to keep your eyes peeled. I mean, we actually bought these two mirrors a good 6 months before even starting the master bathroom renovation! When we saw them we knew we just had to have them!

Master bathroom mirror (we have two of them) for $14.99 each at Homegoods.

-Decorative pillows @ $24.99 a piece. I’ll admit that $25 for a pillow isn’t exactly cheap. HOWEVER, the quality of the pillows isn’t either! The large blue one seen below is a Ralph Lauren and from past experience with their products I’ve never been disappointed in how time and use effects them.

Large, blue Ralph Lauren decorative pillow from Homegoods=$24.99.

This “french” pillow was also $24.99 but I didn’t hesitate to snatch it up. I knew it was worth it because I had been eying these at Pottery Barn for quite some time and they were $25 for JUST THE COVER (and these are the least expensive of their kind at Pottery Barn). The pillow insert was another $16!

Decorative pillow found at Homegoods for $24.99 comparable to several COVERS sold at Pottery Barn for just as much.

These are just a few of the plethora of items we’ve purchased from Homegoods/TJMaxx. I also get most of my picture frames, candles, my pretty green tea kettle (seen below) and even my towels there. These stores are undoubtedly at the top of my personal favorite things list. I’m pretty sure Pavlo’s number one is different but, although he may never admit it, he has a fondness for Homegoods/TJMaxx too. Yes, I think in the nearly 3 years of marriage I have turned my husband into a Maxxinista…well, Maxxinisto!

Homegoods tea kettle

2.) Ikea

Since we already touched on Ikea in the last post I figured this was a good “Favorite Things” post to include it in. In addition to the “Ribba” style picture frames purchased for the photo collage in the basement guest bedroom, we have also purchased decorative pillows (all 3 of the pillows on the basement couch, as can be seen below), candles and candle holders, and a few items of furniture. For example, the arm chair (“Ektorp” style) in the basement, the brown slipcover on the chair, and nightstand in the basement guest room.

The arm chair in the corner & it's slipcover are Ikea. All the pillows are from Ikea as well!
Ikea Stockholm Cirkel Pillow=$12.99
Ektorp lumbar cushion from Ikea (seen in center of couch 2 photos up). $19.99. Similar to these ( at Pottery Barn which range in price from $25-$29. The lumbar cushion being $29.
Ikea "Hemnes" nightstand=$59.99

One thing I love about Ikea is that I can shop online and check for an item’s availability (and the quantity that’s in stock) without wasting a trip out there. Call me lazy but that feature on their site is just GENIUS!

In the last “Favorite Things” post I mentioned Craigslist. I just thought I would take this time to introduce you all to two new Craigslist purchases. Each was purchased for $40 and they are currently in the process of being refinished. However,  I ‘m going to give you a sneak peak and show you their before images now. Maybe you’ll be able to envision them all spruced up like we do!

Old fashioned wooden desk chair purchased on Craigslist for $40.
Before of antique rocking chair purchased on craigslist for $40

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